
Tuesday 21 February 2012

Journal # 15

After tgk sitkom "Friend with Benefits"..buat saya teringat kisah-kisah lama...huhuhuhu....terutama dialog "Maybe I'll be more chooser or become less chooser" really hit me.....pett terasa penampar d pipi ni.....

Honestly..mimang saya ni sangat2 pemilih....dari dulu sampai sekarang I guess....nak sangat yang perfect.....ada saja slek d mata saya dgn org tu. Tapi kalau just geng or kawan tidak pula saya memilih....hehehehehe..da jadi tabiat saya barangkali. That why la sampai sekarang ni saya masi singol...

Share sikit la sorita ya.....ada dulu ni ppuan yg sia suka sangat-sangat....berbulan juga saya mengurat dia...sampai sikit lagi saya menyerah kalah....usaha tangga kejayaan org bilang kan...d pendekkan cerita...dapat juga saya jadi BF dia......itu pun after 9 month effort...but unfortunately it wasn't lasting between me n her. it only last for 3 month i didn't work out because dia ni suka cari gaduh sama kawan-kawan dia....suka bawa mana2 lelaki mmg x mau kan GF dorg begini.....sandi juga la usual sia trus hilang dari radar......

N ada lagi yang super hot..but garang...reject trus.....lambat sikit siap la..klu x kena marah mesti kena not a kid u teruk dia buat.....siram sia dgn cola d Mc D.....punya sia malu...gara2 hp sia selalu berbunyi yg best tu...bukan dia yg jalan...tapi saya.....sia keluar trus dari McD n never cari dia after that......trus GudBye.....

yang terlampau manja pun saya tidak suka..sebab saya lagi manja sebenarnya....tapi kalau asyik nak berkepit ja....rimas la lama-lama.....tgn pun berpeluh peluh da tp dia mau juga berpegang tangan.....OMG...sangat2 rimas.

Bukan saja attitude yg buat saya tawar hati..but fizikal seseorg pun buli kasi mati niat ni.....bentuk jari pun boleh jadi punca saya x suka org tu.....cara seseorg tu jalan pun buli jadi masalah tuk saya juga ni....punggung yg besar sangat pun lagi la.....langsung mati niat tuk mengurat......there's to many to write here the things i dun like......some of it maybe stupid...but itu la saya......

tapi perlu ka saya tuk menjadi begitu?.....pada saya memilih pasangan hidup ni satu benda yg serius. Tidak boleh main-main ....kerna pada saya perkahwinan ni cuma sekali sahaja dalam seumur hidup. Saya tidak mahu end up half way sahaja.....sori to say for those of you yg pernah berkahwin but half way ja kio.....

maybe juga kerana ramai kawan2 saya yang kahwin awal and end up they hate n dislike or unsatisfied with the women they marry. Ada yg mendua kan isteri...ada yg 'simpan' GF dan ada yang sampai bercerai.....jadi saya jadikan itu semua sebagai pengajaran tuk diri saya sendiri.....biarla saya tidak terkawin daripada jadi mcm dorg.....its not good for their children ba.....kasian ba tu anak......n kasi malu kedua-dua pihak keluarga ....majlis d buat besar-besaran..kalah2 artis n ada yg buat sampai 3 hari 3 malam punya majlis....but it was last for a few years ja....... apa la kunun tu?

Walau mcmmanapun, saya tidak la raise my bar too high.....saya cuma cari org yg buli faham saya....sebab saya ni sangat-sangat unpredictable...cepat sangat berubah....banyak kena sabar dgn karenah saya yg kadang2 mengada-ada. Kadang2 tu bikin panas juga la. Yang paling penting...dia pandai 'kawal' saya.....bukan dgn secara kekerasan but dgn kelembutan...mmg saya cair tu kalau gitu. Saya ni ada 'liar' sikit..hahahahahaha......saya rasa bukan sikit la tapi banyak.....pantang nampak dahi licin...Keras Kepala lagi ni.....makin d larang..makin d buat lagi tu....sekali lagi...kena sabar.....

...if i found a women as i wish...konfom only death separate us..cehhh.....but honestly..i will try my best to cherrish and make her the happiest women in this world....that my promise for those yg bakal jadi Mrs.Adam.....but ada kah?..........

Still Looking for the right one........

Love & Faith


  1. don't worry bro .. she's out there somewhere , have faith XD

    1. tq sure she's out there and weaiting to discovered by me...hahahahaha

      i always have faith..... xo

  2. Its really very interesting post full of valuable information. The key part of this post is its descriptive way to define anything.

    1. yes..indeed ... coz diffrient pple have their own choices...

  3. Nice and let me tell one thing that it not my hobby to post comment on other blogs but you written it very well so i made up my mind to post comment.

    1. tq..i hope we all can learn from each other.... XOXOXO

  4. I am very glad with your blog. It’s really very interesting post full of valuable information very well written by u. The key part of this post is its descriptive way to define anything. I liked it with my heart. This post is a excellent example of such kind of thread.
    Delhi Escorts

    1. well...we all learn from our past experiance....big thank you forthe compliment.....

  5. Ketawa sya ni sorang2 baca entri ko damm.... espcially part kena tuang pepsi... adoi giaa... tak mau comment banyak sebab sya pun masi singol wuahahaha....only thing I know relationship have to build by give and take, trust and tolerance principles... wish you luck in finding Mrs Adam... One more thing its not easy to live in broken family ... paling kesian tue anak2.. it will make permenant scars in their heart.. apalagi if parents cant tolerance each other..Palis2 if soon I have family, I don't want this happen to my childs... no more pisang berbuah 2 kali...I been through that as children already...

    1. That y im keep saying to myself...thanks to dear God coz giving me such a wonderful parents especially my mom...

  6. You're lucky to have a wonderful parents...I bet they must be loving couple rite...How jealous am I.. For me, I don't blame my parents of what happen..past is past..maybe their too young when they get married...My only wish is, they can forgive each other for the sake of their generations... (grandchildren)
